The Sherm Drug: Smoking PCP and Embalming Fluid

Sherm, or smoking wet, is a street drug often associated with severe health risks and dangerous behaviors. This drug is typically a tobacco or marijuana cigarette dipped in PCP (phencyclidine) and embalming fluid, creating a mind-altering experience for users.

PCP was first created in the 1950s as an intravenous anesthetic. It has since been banned due to its strong hallucinogenic effects.

PCP also poses serious risks to both mental and physical health. Despite this, people still use sherm. They smoke these laced cigarettes for their mind-altering and dissociative effects.

It is important to understand sherm’s ingredients, side effects, and dangers. This knowledge helps us see how it affects the central nervous system and overall health.

The appeal of sherm often comes from its ability to create intense feelings of detachment and hallucinations. This can make users feel invincible. However, this sense of invincibility is dangerously misleading.

People under the influence of sherm often engage in reckless and violent behaviors that can harm themselves or others. In many cases, users don’t realize the extent of the damage until it is too late. This makes sherm a particularly hazardous substance, not just for the people but for those around them.

Additionally, its addictive nature can trap users in a dangerous cycle of abuse, which makes long-term recovery difficult.

What Is Sherm?

Sherm is a term used to describe a cigarette, often tobacco or marijuana, that has been dipped in a mixture of PCP and embalming fluid. The drug is well-known for its hallucinogenic effects.

These effects can make users feel disconnected from reality. Sherm’s effects can last up to 24 hours, leading to dangerous and unpredictable behaviors. Mixing these two strong substances can lead to serious side effects.

what is sherm dip wet

What Is Embalming Fluid?

Embalming fluid is a chemical solution used in funeral homes to preserve deceased bodies. It typically contains formaldehyde, which helps to prevent decay. When smoked in sherm, the embalming fluid contains toxic chemicals. These can seriously harm the body, causing lung damage and breathing problems.

Smoking a cigarette dipped in this fluid poses many health risks. Some of these risks can cause long-term damage or even death. It is not the fluid that causes the high in sherm. Instead, it is the mix with PCP that boosts the drug’s mind-altering effects.

What Is PCP?

PCP, also known as angel dust, is a dissociative drug that creates a feeling of detachment from reality. As an animal tranquilizer, it was first used in the medical field but was soon abandoned because of its harmful side effects.

PCP is highly addictive, and its effects include severe hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. The drug dissolves in water or alcohol, which is why it is commonly used to “dip” cigarettes, creating sherm. Users often describe feeling invincible or detached from pain, which contributes to dangerous behaviors and an increased risk of accidents or violent incidents.

Sherm Drug Slang

In street slang, sherm goes by several names depending on the region. For instance, in NYC slang, sherm is often referred to as “wet” or “rocket fuel” because of the way the cigarette is dipped in liquid PCP. Other terms include “fry” or “wet sticks.”

Even with different names, the main idea is the mix of PCP and embalming fluid. This combination creates strong mind-altering effects. These effects have made it well-known in drug circles.

Sherm Side Effects

Smoking sherm can lead to a wide range of dangerous side effects. The drug affects the central nervous system, leading to symptoms such as memory loss, confusion, and severe hallucinations. PCP’s hallucinogenic effects are hazardous, as they can cause users to feel detached from their surroundings, which often leads to violent behavior, self-harm, or harm to others. Other adverse effects include:

  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Weight loss
  • Increased heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Impaired motor function

Over time, the use of sherm can cause irreversible damage to the brain and body, leading to long-term health complications.

What Are the Ingredients in the Drug Sherm?

Sherm is composed of two main substances: PCP and embalming fluid. PCP, or phencyclidine, is a white crystalline powder initially developed in the 1950s as an intravenous anesthetic for humans and animals. However, its use was discontinued because of its severe hallucinogenic effects and high potential for abuse. Embalming fluid, typically used in funeral homes, contains various chemicals, including formaldehyde, methanol, and other solvents. These ingredients are not intended for human consumption and can have toxic effects when inhaled or ingested.

Embalming fluid is a dangerous cocktail of chemicals that, when inhaled or ingested, can cause significant harm. These chemicals include:

  • Formaldehyde
  • Methanol
  • Ethanol
  • Phenol
  • Glycerin
  • Water

Inhalation of these chemicals, combined with PCP, heightens the risk of long-term damage to the respiratory system, organs, and brain.

Long-Term Use of PCP

Long-term use of PCP can lead to a range of serious health issues. These include:

  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Difficulty with speech and thinking
  • Social withdrawal
  • Chronic pain
  • Persistent delusions
  • Mood disorders

Additionally, prolonged use can result in withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, tremors, and cravings for the drug. Long-term PCP abuse can have serious psychological effects. It can lower the quality of life and raise the risk of mental health disorders.

People who abuse PCP often struggle to manage their emotions and keep relationships. This can make them feel more isolated from society.

Withdrawal Symptoms of PCP Addiction

Withdrawal from PCP can be a challenging process because of the drug’s profound impact on the brain. Common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Depression
  • Muscle aches
  • Tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Cravings

These symptoms can last for several weeks, making professional treatment necessary for those attempting to recover from PCP addiction.

sherm drug addiction treatment

Sherm Drug Addiction Treatment at Northridge Addiction Treatment Center

The use of sherm can have devastating effects on both mental and physical health, and overcoming addiction to this powerful drug requires professional intervention. At Northridge Addiction Treatment Center (NATC), we provide evidence-based, compassionate addiction treatment to help people break free from the grip of PCP and other addictive substances.

NATC’s comprehensive treatment programs are designed to address the unique challenges associated with sherm addiction, including managing withdrawal symptoms with medical detox and around-the-clock care and supervision.

NATC offers a variety of personalized rehab options with customized treatment plans to help people regain control over their lives and achieve lasting recovery.

Contact us today to start your path to meaningful recovery.

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